Sunday, October 2, 2011


Last Friday, September 30, LA and I decided to go to Makati Cinema Square to have lunch. At the basement parking, we found an abandoned kitten. He's so little but his voice, as soft as it is, can be heard even if the engines of the parked cars were louder than his. Our hearts can't simply ignore this little soul and as we approached him, we realized that he was still a baby, maybe a few days old. What concerned us more, aside from the heat and the smoke  in the basement which adds to his agony and hunger from abandonment, was his crippled back legs. After checking his condition, LA looked at me and I read through his eyes that question if we could bring him home. Feeling the same way, I nodded. LA picked him up carefully. We get back to the car and drove to the nearest Mercury Drugstore to buy a dropper for his feeding. We totally forgot our reason why we went to MCS which is to have lunch, but that hunger was ignored because we were more concerned about the kitten's immediate needs.

By the way, we decided to name him Square, derived from the place where we found him.

At home, we looked for a basket, put two cushions so Square can lay comfortably. LA prepared his milk and I showed him how to use the dropper. Square sipped a little. Maybe he knew we were there and he decided to sleep after a few more sip. We brought him inside our room and placed his basket near where we could check upon him easily.

LA kept his caring eyes on him all day. Even checked him whenever he cries at dawn.

But despite our efforts, his fragile body couldn't fight anymore. After three days, he finally let go.

LA asked me if what we did was ok. That if we could have done something more to keep him stay longer. I just told him that maybe, Square really asked for us, that he cried his loudest for us to hear, back there in the basement,  because he knew that we could at least do our best, to make him feel loved and cared.

We will miss you Square and hope for that short little time, we made you happy, cause you made us feel so.

1 comment:

THEA said...

feel sorry for SQUARE...even I don't like cats or dogs....because of my asthma...u did a good job..helping him...even for a short time....hats off to both of you....